Mizzou Beyond Academia


Mizzou Beyond Academia is a group at the University of Missouri run by students. It helps graduate students and postdocs see that there are many different job options outside of university teaching and research. We do this by organizing a big yearly conference, workshops, learning sessions, and talks with people who have jobs outside of universities.

Upcoming Events

Mizzou Beyond Academia Conference 2023

March 3 & 4, 2023

Come to our first Mizzou Beyond Academia Conference! It’s a two-day event with talks, workshops, and speeches about jobs outside of universities for PhDs. It’s free to join for graduate students and postdocs from any school. 

Upcoming Events

From Lab to Law: Journey from Biochemistry PhD to Patent Attorney

Our writer, Oguche Felix, interviews ……  about how she went from studying biochemistry to working as a patent attorney.

From Lab to Law: Journey from Biochemistry PhD to Patent Attorney

Our writer, Oguche Felix, interviews ……  about how she went from studying biochemistry to working as a patent attorney.

Our Mission

Helping Scholars Explore More Options Many students think the only job they can do is in academia. We help them see there are many other choices.

Showing How Academic Skills Work Elsewhere PhDs learn a lot of valuable skills. We help them see how these skills can be used in different jobs.

Our Values

Positive About Academia:
We think academic careers are good, but we also show there are other great options.

For All Fields:
No matter your study area—Humanities, Social Sciences, or STEM—we have something for you.